Mind-Body Sessions

6 weeks of practices for your well-being

Weekly Sessions

Week 1: Your nourishing source

Witness the presence of the breath and feel how it nourishes your body with each inhale and exhale. Feel a sense of ease through connecting with the depth and fullness of the breath.

Week 3: Your wholeness

Experience a sense of inner connectedness and coherence through circular breathing. Trust that all parts of you are complimentary to each other, rather than being fragments or scattered pieces.

Week 5: Your Truth

The words that we say to ourselves are powerful. We can shift the harmful narratives in our mind by deepening our connection to the ones that are uplifting and true. This is a mantra practice for remembering your true nature.

Week 2: Your balanced energy

Balance the energy in your body and mind through matching the length of your inhale with the length of your exhale. Feel how an even tempo in the breath creates brings the body and mind back to center.

Week 4: Your center

When you sit down to practice you may find your thoughts or feelings pulling you in different directions. Trust that don’t have to follow these thoughts or feelings and you can always come back to center.